sábado, 2 de abril de 2016

Book Tag: Seven Deadly Sins!

Hi everyone!

It’s been almost two months in which I have not read a single book, it’s like a penance, but not on purpose, I was full of work in college. You know, they don’t care I live to breath books. Já! But now that I’m fully back, I have for you a very interesting and fun book tag!! I saw it week ago in my friend’s blog “Eye in Bookland” (The blog is in Spanish, for those who are interested in it. It’s really good and super fun!) I’m going to show you My Seven Deadly Sins.

1. Greed – The cheaper book and the book most expensive.

The cheaper book that I have is Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi, I bought it at Walmart on a special, at 8 dollars. And the most expensive is The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith, it cost me 18 dollars.

2.       Wrath – The author for which you have a love-hate relationship.

I have a hate-love relationship with Colleen Hoover. I loved Maybe Someday and Maybe Not, actually they are some of my top books, I also loved the Hopeless Series. I think those books were deep, emotional, funny, unique, and engaging. But I haven’t liked any book she has put out since I read those. I feel that everybody follows her and read “loving” all her books, because she is a very famous author. Readers don’t analyze her books, or view its flaws. And trust me; I receive a lot of hate (sometimes friendly hate) by thinking this way.

3.       Gluttony – A book you demolish again and again.

This book was the first book I read. It was super duper funny, and every single time I read it I finish laughing out loud.  The characters on the story are very special, and the sense of humor is superb.

4.       Sloth – A book you haven’t read because you are to sloth to start it.

It’s not that I don’t want to read it, but once I say “Let’s read it.” Something happens and I end up reading other book or taking that time to do something else. And when I remember it, I’m just too sloth to do it.

5.       Pride - A book you mention to appear to be an intellectual.

Personally, I don’t like people who are pretentious and appear to be what they aren’t. But I do like to talk to people about this book in specific because I love everything that has to do with the Second World Ward. People usually don’t like to read about this, just in school, but I like to recommend it.

6.       Lust – What do you find attractive in a male character or female character?

In a male character I like when they are all alpha males, with muscle, fighters, with a special sense of humor, strong but caring… and there is a whole other list I can mention.

7.       Envy –Which book would you like to receive as a gift?

I would like to receive ANY book. Books are life. But I would love to receive any book in the Colorado Mountain Series by Kristen Ashley. I love that author, she’s the best.

And with that I finish this booktag. I hope you liked it. Have you read one of these books? Are you interested on some of these? I would love to read Your Seven Deadly Sins.

Happy weekend!!! 

4 comentarios:

  1. Me encantó!! Jamás creí que coincidieramos en algo, lo mismo me pasa con Colleen, amo esos libros que mencionas y hasta ahí, ya no ha entregado algo tan bueno como esos. Y con Eleanor and Park me pasa igual, lo quiero leer pero siempre se atraviesa algo y no lo hago.

    Muy lindo tag, bella!

  2. Fa me gusto tu book tag, que te puedo decir que no sepas
    -Amo a CH yo creo que sus libro son la gula para mi �� jajajaja
    -Con Tarryn Fisher sería la ira porque me hace sufrir con su maldad ����
    -La envidia sería por todos los libros que tienes y haz leído (algun día asaltaré tu biblioteca ��)
    -Lujuria coincido contigo en lo de los machos alfa con sentido del humor, y con un six pack ��
    -Pereza creo que sería con los libros de Nicholas Sparks he leído un par de ellos y se me hace pesada la lectura, tengo un par que quería leer pero me da pereza si quiera pensar en ellos ��
    -Con respecto al orgullo no se me ocurre ningún libro que me dé orgullo.

    Lu ��

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